

Do you want to keep moving during your pregnancy? Good idea! Exercising not only makes you feel fitter and stronger, but also mentally unbeatable while your belly is growing. But there is more: a fixed sports routine allows you to catch your breath (or not ;) during these busy times and prepares you for all that lies ahead.

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pregnancy programs
Keep moving, mama! Embrace your pregnancy journey with our new fitness program designed just for you.
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Step by step, we build up the exercises to reconnect with your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.

Sport and exercise

Sports and exercise help you to get a stronger body, better fitness and above all: a good feeling! The Basic-Fit Pregnancy Program ensures that you continue to feel fit every week of your pregnancy. Moreover, you will recover faster after giving birth. Well, what are you waiting for?


Safe sports during pregnancy

Why should you exercise during your pregnancy? You stay fit, it makes you sleep better, you work on a stable core and you have less chance of postpartum depression. Need more motivation? Read on quick.


stay strong and fit

Discover the Basic-Fit Pregnancy Program, a unique fitness programme for every stage of pregnancy and the postpartum journey. From energy boosting and pelvic stability to breathing techniques and strength recovery. Weight lifting is also possible during pregnancy! Read on for a healthy and fit body during and after pregnancy.
