As long as I can remember I have engaged in intense physical training, especially as a dancer for. In 2011 I graduated from the Institute For Performing Arts in Amsterdam, after which I toured Europe and South America for several years as a singer and dancer. When I broke my hip during a car accident in 2014, for the first time in my life, I was unable to train for months. The rehabilitation did something special to me and has changed my outlook on training. I have since focused on how I feel, not how I look.
This is my priority – not only when I train myself, but also during my classes; respecting and appreciating your body and enjoying the growth and progression. "A strong body equals a strong mind". In GXR Cycle class, you will push yourself with me for 40 minutes: mind at zero and exploring your boundaries, conditionally but also mentally. And during the GXR Booty Workout we focus on the buttocks and legs: the most intense burn you will ever experience, but I will drag you through it! Just do it.