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Disclaimer Pregnancy Program

Although this Pregnancy Program has been checked by a specialist, Physio Meghan Dodds, specialized in the treatment of pregnant women. All content in this program is for informational and educational purpose only and is not intended to serve as medical or professional advice. Please always consult your Doctor and/or Midwife before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your unique needs. We strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice. Do not start this fitness program if your Doctor and/or Midwife advises against it.


By starting this program you understand that any exercise program has certain risks. You understand that the degrees of risk depend on your health and physical fitness. Please note that participating in this program is entirely at your own risk. Basic-Fit is not liable for risks or issues associated with following the program. If you experience any physical complaints during the workouts, like if you feel dizzy, breathless or experience discomfort and/or pain, please take a break or stop the workout. If you feel dizzy or nauseous while lying on your back, turn to lie on your left side until feeling better. It is advised to start all movements slowly and in a small movement range. If the body feels good then you can gradually increase the tempo and movement range as guided in the videos. It is important to stay well hydrated while exercising. If you feel a heaviness in the pelvic floor or have any symptoms of urine loss then be sure to see a pelvic physio so that you can continue exercising safely without pelvic floor complications.