Blog Overview

Read about your favourite fitness topics on our blog page.

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    make fitness a basic

    You probably recognize it ... you want to work on your fitness goals, but somewhere you lose the motivation.

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    Make fitness a basic

    You probably recognize it ... you want to work on your fitness goals, but somewhere you lose the motivation.

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    Fitness Motivation: So halten Sie Ihr Training interessant und effektiv

    Langweilt dich dein Training manchmal? Hier sind ein paar Tipps, mit denen du mehr Spaß am Sport hast!

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    Symptoms of overtraining

    You should be aware of the signs telling you that you’re overtraining in order to make the necessary changes. Here are some of the signs to look out for.

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    how do you keep yourself motivated for the gym

    Maybe you know the feeling: you start your sports plans enthusiastically and after a few weeks your motivation levels take a bit of a dive...

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    hangover workout is that recommended

    After a night out, you often don't feel like exercising the next day. Especially if you're hung over.

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    Why is it so important to rest after your training?

    Did you know that simply doing more and more exercise isn't the best or most effective way of reaching your training goals? Resting is just as important.

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    If it's cold and dark outside and the rain's coming down in buckets, going out for a training session is probably the last thing you feel like doing.

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    The importance of drinking while exercising

    Having enough to drink when exercising is important, we all know that. But why?

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    Stay motivated to exercise in the summer

    The sun is shining, it's 25 degrees Celsius and your friends keep asking you if you want to go to the park, have a barbecue or go to the beach. What could be better!

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