
24/7 clubs

With your Basic-Fit member card or QR code, you can work out everywhere and thanks to more 24/7 clubs, WHENEVER* you want! Before your first class or after your late night shift, it's all possible.

24/7 clubs

With the Basic-Fit sports pass you can workout everywhere and thanks to more 24/7 clubs, WHENEVER you want! Before your first lecture, after you late night shift, it's all possible. There are no staff members present at night, but we keep a close eye on everything remotely with an innovative safety system. So you are never alone and can always do your workout safely and leave satisfied. If you have a question during your workout or if you want to report something, you can use the intercom in the club to get in contact with our 24-hour team. As the name says, they are available day and night and will help you immediately.


As always, you enter the club with your member card or QR code. Not working? Then you can arrange your membership and access to the club at the kiosk or contact our 24-hour team via the intercom in front of the entrance. They will help you remotely! 


Club organisation

In our 24-hour clubs, our employees are only present during regular opening hours (Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 9.00pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 2pm). Outside these hours, the club is secured by an innovative security system and contact is made by intercom.



In emergency situations such as a fire, you may be asked to leave the club. Check the map inside the club so you know where the nearest exit is. In case of an emergency you can open the door manually with a button.



Someone doesn't feel well? Stay with this person and let someone else go to the intercom to ask for help.
