Keep moving, mama! Embrace your pregnancy journey with our new fitness program designed just for you.
Pregnancy week 13–16
With this workout, we work on your mobility, fitness, and strength to maintain your muscles for extra stability.
Pregnancy week 17-20
This workout focuses on muscles that help you maintain a good physique.
Pregnancy week 21-24
We work on a stable core to prevent lower back pain.
Pregnancy week 25-28
During this workout we will work on your balance, among other things, to activate all your little muscles.
Pregnancy week 29-32
A workout where we create length between your ribs and work on your flank breathing.
Pregnancy week 33-36
A full-body workout where we pay attention to your range of motion to avoid injury.
Pregnancy week 37-40
The focus is on loosening up your ribcage and hips to get you ready for childbirth.