Booty with Lienke

Saturday April 25th - 11:55 - Duration 30 minutes

Description of the workout

Work on your legs and buttocks to great music. For maximum burn, you can use an elastic band or weight for this workout.
By training strength you ensure a better shape and support of your back

What you need

Elastic band, bidon, towel & mat

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Who is Lienke?

As a child I was always active. From swimming, gymnastics and football to the circus school. I tried every sport, but I never really clicked. Exercise was my thing, but in what form? When I was 16 my parents allowed me to subscribe to the gym and then I was completely sold: the combination of cardio and strength was great. I made optimal use of every corner of the gym. After my studies I started working as a producer at a large TV company. There was no time for sports. This was not what I wanted and missed my gym feeling. Then decided to get up earlier and start exercising early. Now 5 years later I can say it has changed my life. Though morning workouts have brought me back to what I am. An energetic morning freak! Join my Booty class today!



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