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Obtain part of your membership fee back through your health insurance fund

Did you know that most health insurance companies encourage sports by refunding part of your membership fee, up to 50 euros? And every year! 

All you have to do is bring a form from your health insurer to your Basic-Fit club. We will complete it for you. Then send the completed form to your health insurer and you will receive a refund for a portion of your membership fee. 

Please note: with a Premium or Ultimate membership, you can always invite a friend to come and work out with you. However, per membership, you may only receive the allowance from your health insurer once a year. 

Solidaris : up to € 40 anually 

Flanders (Antwerp, West Flanders, East Flanders, Limburg): Up to €10 anually (Link) 

Wallonia: Up to €40 anually (Link 

️Brussels & Brabant (Up to €45 anually) (link 

Christelijke mutaliteit: Up to € 15 anually (Link) 

Alle provincies 

Liberale Mutualiteit: up to € 40 anually

LM Plus: €40 per year (Link) 

  • West-Vlaanderen 
  • Antwerpen 
  • Limburg 
  • Vlaams-Brabant 

LM East Flanders € 40 per year (Link) 

LM € 40 per year (Link) 

  • Vlaams-Brabant 
  • Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest 
  • Waals-Brabant 
  • West-Henegouwen 

Helan : € 50 anually  (Link) 

All provinces

Vlaams & Neutraal Ziekenfonds: € 40 anually (Link) 

All provinces

Neutraal Ziekenfonds Vlaanderen: € 40 anually (Link) 

All provinces